OOPS! Start making money online with the best affiliate program by which you can 

make more than 1100$ per month. It is completely free and you don't need to get

approval for using the account. You can also do affiliate marketing without any 

websites. you can start affiliate marketing about the category which you are 

passionate about it or which you like. There are so much of affiliate programs but, 

as a beginner, you can go with digistore24.

Why Digistore24 is best for affiliates?

Maybe you have been trying to get started with affiliate marketing using Clickbank

 but there's a problem as Clickbank doesn't accept all countries and they don't

 pay through PayPal now there's a solution and that solution is Digistore24 now

 what's great is Digistore allows people from all countries to join and get links to

 sell products and get paid through PayPal  Digistore doesn't cost any money to

 join but if you market their links and sell their products you get money so did you

 the store pays you and that is the beauty of affiliate marketing.


Affiliate marketing is the future of all sales and I did you store is one of the most 

exciting affiliate networks to come not only do they accept all countries they pay

you through PayPal so you didn't get payments even if you don't have a bank 

account and you get paid weekly also Digistore even accept people of all ages so 

even if you're 12 years old even if you're 5 years old you can start earning 

thousands of dollars a day online just by applying the traffic methods. 


I'm gonna explain to you step-by-step how it works, how to create your

account, how to find products how to get your links and how to promote your 

links so that you can start earning money no matter where you are in the world.

Let's Start 

okay so here we are on Digistore24.

Digistore24 site

  • First, just signup with this affiliate network, it's a simple task you know.

Digistore signup

  • Then access your affiliate board.
  • From there visit the marketplace on the top bar.
  • On the left, you can see different varieties of products. choose any one of them which you can promote.

Digistore24 marketplace

And your affiliate link is generated on the right side you can copy them and promote them.


Where to promote?

There are many ways to promote

  • Using websites or free google's blogger
  • Using social media.
  • Using Google ads or Facebook ads.

we're actually going to promote our links out there on the Internet now this is

great because this is where the money comes this is how you get paid you're

promoting your products out there on the Internet now one last note before I

move on is you can find products a couple different ways by popularity or by

sales rank and copy the link of the product and you can promote it using google 

ads or Facebook ads u can promote it or otherwise by freeways is using social

medias simply using Instagram page or interest or Facebook. If u need a special

 article to promote your products on social media you can comment below

 Using websites or google blogger 

Using websites you can promote. There's no problem if you don't know to create 

website. Using WordPress you can easily create a website but it needs some 

amount to pay for domain and hosting.

If you don't have the money you can simply use google blogger which is 

completely free and easy to customize and there are a lot of youtube videos to 


Using social media

  • Instagram - you can simply create a page based on your niche post related to it and add links to it. It is also a good way to get more traffic.

  • Facebook - Get traffic on your product easily by Facebook posting your product and link on many Facebook pages and groups as much you can. Just post on 5-10 groups in an hour to not get banned by Facebook.

  • Pinterest - Same as others and you have to work for 2-3 months to get good traffic.

Thanks for reading a lot and I think you have got a piece of knowledge on Digistore to make money online.  Share with your friends who search for the best affiliate programs as beginners.
